Wednesday, 20 March 2013

A slight diversion...

You know how it is, you're tottering along with your 'to do' list and then something comes along and diverts you. That's what happened to me but luckily it was a fun diversion!

I'd got the website, and the blog, and the Facebook and the Twitter up and running (phew, wipe of brow from heavy-duty work) and was just browsing the Twitter stream as you do when news of the Eden Arts Woollen Woods exhibition due to go up at NT Acorn Bank jumped out at me. 'Your mission should you choose to accept it' is to create a woollen woodland creature to go into the exhibition in the woods at Acorn Bank near Penrith. Well, there's a challenge I couldn't resist.

So first I discussed the brief with my woollen woodland creature consultant ....

He needs the cushion to reach the keyboard...
...then having agreed the final design for the 'creature', work began; with a deadline of the 28th of this month (and limited time to spend) it needs to be something not too complex and something that can be packed into a small box or envelope....

At the risk of sounding like Rolf Harris - 'can you tell what it is yet?'

Not very promising at this stage I'll admit!
All will be revealed after it's been posted off, so watch this space!

Here's a couple of useful links to the exhibition info ...

Woollen Woods exhibition info

National Trust Acorn Bank

Until next time - enjoy your knitting!

visit my website gallery to see already completed projects:)

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